  • 成立时间:2006-11-13 | 所属行业:粮油业/种子业 | 公司性质:外商独资
    员工人数:10-50人 | 所在地区:南宁 - 青秀区
职位类型:  全职 性别要求: 不限
招聘人数:  2 人  
工作地区:  南宁/青秀区 学历要求:  硕士
工作经验:  不限 年龄要求:  不限
发布时间:  2024-2-29 截止时间:  2024-05-29
At least B.S. in Agriculture, (M.S. /PhD degree is an advantage) with specialization in Plant Pathology with at least 3 years relevant experience on plant disease diagnosis, disease screening and other pathology-related activities.  Physically fit/capable of handling the required field, screenhouse and laboratory activities.
We would like to encourage PhD graduates with a strong interest in the commercial sector to apply, to strengthen our young and growing organization in Nanning, China. 
A Chinese national has our preference.

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